Go live is set for June 9th 2021 at 17:00 UTC.
The staking contracts have been deployed on Ethereum mainnet and everything is ready for go-live.
Staking contract address is 0x8C05bA21557936E3e0713dCE4F9C3bfc974f4C8E
The verified contract source code is available on etherscan!
By applying the exchange rate on June 9th 2021 the maximum staking amounts have been set to 29000 KTLYO and 986000 BNF
- Maximum stake amount per participant: 29000 KTLYO and 986000 BNF
- Fixed staking duration: 30 days
- APY: 120%
- APY payout ratio: 50% KTLYO and 50% BNF
After go-live you can access the staking page by using this link.
Earning rewards with KTLYO has never been easier.
Enjoy your staking!!!
About Katalyo
Katalyo is a no-code cross-chain platform for building hybrid blockchain powered applications. With Katalyo individuals and organisations can build blockchain powered applications without writing a single line of code. On top of no-code features for building web based frontend, by using Katalyo platform, people can create tokens and NFTs, build DeFi applications, integrate smart contracts in any part of the workflow.
- Katalyo Official Website: defi.katalyo.com
- Twitter: @katalyo
- Telegram: t.me/katalyo